Seven Weaknesses in your Web Application that can lead to security threats

Web Applications are no more new to this world and are commonly used by people across every sector. As more and more people are using technology, security vulnerabilities in the web applications are a major threat. To prevent such threats, companies are using Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) to identify and rank potential vulnerabilities.Continue reading “Seven Weaknesses in your Web Application that can lead to security threats”

Benefits of Remote IT Security Support

The pandemic has affected the world badly and let to unparalleled era of remote working. Businesses that were comfortable with work from home operations had to re-think about their needs and security requirements to operate from remote locations. Though, everything is coming back to normal, but it is not possible for all businesses to startContinue reading “Benefits of Remote IT Security Support”

Why Cyber security is important during the COVID 19 pandemic?

A lot of people have been working and learning from their homes. The world has come to a pace that the unprecedented rate of cyber attacks has also increased with time and again. Many cyber criminals believe in taking the advantage of the situation with several methods that we at White Panther Enterprises shall be discussing inContinue reading “Why Cyber security is important during the COVID 19 pandemic?”

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